• Friday

    27 September, 2024

  • 21.8°
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  • 27 September , 2024 September

  • Mykolaiv • 21.8° Mainly clear

The patrol police told how many Mykolaiv intersections traffic controllers are working when the traffic lights are turned off

Regulator on the road. Photo: RBC-Ukraine. Regulator on the road. Photo: RBC-Ukraine.

More than 20 intersections have been identified in Mykolaiv that require the help of a traffic controller when traffic lights are turned off. However, there are cases when drivers and pedestrians do not understand their gestures, so the police advise the residents of Mykolaiv to review the traffic rules.

Vitalii Dushko, the press officer of the patrol police department in the Mykolaiv region, told about this in a comment to NikVesti.

According to him, the most intensive traffic, which requires the work of a regulator, is observed on Tsentralnyi, Myru, Bohoyavlenskyi avenues, along Pushkinska and Velyka Morska streets. However, traffic controllers work only at the busiest intersections, not along the entire street.

«The guys arrive at the place, look at the traffic. If they understand that they are needed at these hours, they come out and regulate traffic until the traffic lights turn on. If they see that there is little traffic on Pushkinska Street at 6 in the morning, regulation is not required, they report this to the duty unit and are still somewhere nearby and monitor the situation,» explained Vitalii Dushko.

In general, about 23 intersections in need of regulation were identified in Mykolaiv.

«At some intersections two traffic controllers are needed, at others there may be four. Sometimes one regulator can handle it, as for example at the intersection of Velyka Morska and Pushkinska. It's a little difficult, but it's possible,» said Vitalii Dushko.

According to the spokesman, the patrol police officers cope with the workload. The state body received proposals to place traffic controllers at every intersection in Mykolaiv, but there will not be enough personnel to do this.

«There are so many intersections in Mykolaiv that it is simply impossible. In order to occupy all intersections and at the same time people replace each other, five or six such patrol police departments are needed,» he said.

According to Vitalii Dushko, during their work, traffic controllers are faced with the fact that drivers and pedestrians often do not know the gestures that would allow them to move.

«According to the traffic rules, the instructions of the regulator are the first in the list of priorities, even if the traffic light is working, drivers and pedestrians must follow the instructions of the regulator. And in our country, some drivers and pedestrians do not understand gestures at all. But now pedestrians are more or less used to it, they already look at the regulator and wait for when they can go. But nuances sometimes occur. It's the same with drivers: we try to show correctly, «according to the book», but the drivers don't understand. Until you poke him with a stick and say: «come on, go», he stands and cannot understand what to do. Therefore, we recommend both drivers and pedestrians to read the traffic rules and be courteous to each other,» he noted.

Gestures of the regulator. Photo: Patrol Police of Ukraine. Gestures of the regulator. Photo: Patrol Police of Kharkiv region.
Gestures of the regulator. Photo: Patrol Police of Ukraine. Gestures of the regulator. Photo: Patrol Police of Kharkiv region.
Gestures of the regulator. Photo: Patrol Police of Ukraine. Gestures of the regulator. Photo: Patrol Police of Kharkiv region.
Gestures of the regulator. Photo: Patrol Police of Ukraine. Gestures of the regulator. Photo: Patrol Police of Kharkiv region.
Gestures of the regulator. Photo: Patrol Police of Ukraine. Gestures of the regulator. Photo: Patrol Police of Kharkiv region.

Despite the difficulties with the organization of traffic during the shutdown of the traffic lights, the number of accidents did not increase in Mykolaiv, their number remains stably average.

«In my memory, there was no road accident due to a switched off traffic light,» noted Vitalii Dushko.

We will remind you how in October of last year the Cabinet of Ministers introduced an amendment to the traffic rules, which aims to bring Ukrainian legislation closer to the legislation of the European Union.

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