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    20 September, 2024

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  • 20 September , 2024 September

  • Mykolaiv • 20.8° Clear sky

Editorial policy of online media NikVesti

Online media NikVesti is a powerful, financially independent, influential media that promptly, objectively and interestingly informs about the events of the South of Ukraine. We are the main media of the Mykolaiv region.


We are a real local media. We immerse ourselves in local problems, force the authorities and society to respond to them. We make the dark transparent, the closed open, the hidden and incomprehensible accessible and clear. We give our audience fast news — and get them used to thoughtful content that makes them want to linger longer.

Our goal is to reliably, balanced and promptly inform the audience about events in the spheres of politics, economy, activities of local authorities, social sphere, etc.

Our values

1. Honesty. We report what the editors know. We add appropriate markup to a post if we update it or correct factual errors.

2. Impartiality. In conflict situations, we provide the positions of both sides. We also grant the right of reply. We do not show bias towards those involved in criminal cases and do not call them criminals until a court decision, even if such bias is shown by official sources.

3. Openness to new things. We are ready to learn, try new formats and constantly develop.

4. Tolerance. We do not generalize or spread stereotypes about certain population groups.

5. Freedom of speech. We do not allow ourselves to be censored and nurture critical thinking in the team. We show solidarity with colleagues when they are hindered in their professional activities.

6. Public interest. We systematically write on socially important topics, we have been conducting them for years. We communicate with readers, process their appeals to us, publishing relevant materials.

7. Human dignity. We do not call a person a criminal unless it is proven by a court of law. We respect each other in the team and the heroes of our publications.

Error correction

The publication NikVesti strives to inform our readers of reliable facts as quickly as possible. If errors are detected, they are corrected in the shortest possible time by the author of the material or the editor.

In the event that factual errors, errors in the accuracy or completeness of information are corrected, then in the material of any genre or format, a corresponding note is added — Corrected, Clarified or Supplemented, Updated.

You can report our errors to us using the editorial contact details, as well as directly to the authors and/or editors listed in the publication.

Right of rebuttal

Any person mentioned in the publication of the publication, parents of minors, as well as authorized representatives of legal entities have the right to contact the editorial office with a demand for refutation, if they believe that the information about them does not correspond to reality.

Such a request must be sent by e-mail or in paper form. Such a letter should clearly indicate which publication it is about and which facts the author considers unreliable, as well as how everything is in reality. The authority of the person making the claim must be confirmed in the written rebuttal request. If the rebuttal request is sent by e-mail, then the authority of the claimant must be confirmed by an electronic digital signature.

NikVesti does not publish refutations after a phone call or on the basis of messages in messengers to editors and journalists.

The decision to publish a rebuttal, its format, text and title is made by the editors after evaluating the grounds for the rebuttal and negotiations with the party that sent the relevant request. NikVesti reserves the right to check the facts and assessments expressed by the authors of claims, as well as to refuse publication of refutations with reasons.

Right of reply

If the information in the publication of NikVesti is reliable, but calls into question the reputation of a natural or legal person, then the editors can grant the right to reply.

The decision on the format of the answer (news, interview, blog) is made by the editors. The text of such a publication does not refute the editorial material, but it may contain new facts, position and context that affect the audience's assessment of the situation. The editors inform the author of the claim about the date and format of publication of his response.

Removal of materials

In exceptional cases, if a significant number of errors were made in the publication and the standards of work with information stated above are significantly violated, NikVesti can delete the material with an indication of the fact and the reason for deletion.

We do not remove content that someone did not like. We do not remove material that someone deems to be «out of date». At the same time, everyone has the right to an answer, and NikVesti is open to a comprehensive discussion of the materials published on the publication's website.

Advertising marking

All advertising materials posted on the NikVesti» website must be labeled.

Such publications contain the label «Press release», «Advertising», «Promoted», «Political advertising». The authorship of the material may indicate that it was prepared by the press service of the department/institution/company.

NikVesti does not place so-called «jeans» or unbranded paid advertising - neither in the news feed nor in articles.

We adhere to journalistic standards in news, analytical materials, reports and other formats of NikVesti.

A blog is a material in which the author freely expresses his personal opinion on a certain issue. The editors of NikVesti may not share the opinion of the author of the blog.

Ownership structure and management

NikVesti is officially registered in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. Online media NikVesti is included in the register of subjects in the field of media in accordance with the decision of the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting №475 dated 07/06/2023. Media ID R40-00984.

The founder of the online media NikVesti is the Private Enterprise NikVesti Production (EDRPOU code 35722502) with the following ownership structure: 90% — Oksana Albinivna Yanishevska, 10% — Oleh Anatoliyovych Dereniuha.

Oleh Dereniuha is the director of NikVesti Production, e-mail derenuga@gmail.com

Kateryna Sereda is the editor-in-chief of the online media NikVesti, e-mail seredak94@gmail.com

Contacts and editorial office

About online media NikVesti