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    28 September, 2024

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  • 28 September , 2024 September

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Azov Chief of Staff Krotevych spoke out against a truce with the Russians: «Don't even think about it, if you try, it will be bad»

Bohdan Krotevich, Chief of Staff of the 12th Special Forces Regiment of Azov State University, screenshot from YouTube «Conversation" Bohdan Krotevych, Chief of Staff of the 12th Special Forces Regiment of Azov State University, screenshot from YouTube «Conversation"

The Chief of Staff of the 12th Azov Special Forces Regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine Bohdan Krotevych believes that negotiations with Russia regarding the end of the war are impossible. A military man is determined to fight until complete victory over the enemy.

He published such posts on his social network X on May 30, responding to the latest statements of the Ukrainian authorities regarding preparations for the second Peace Summit with the probable involvement of the Russian Federation.

We will remind you that at one of the conferences in Brussels, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine and its allies are starting to prepare an action plan ahead of the Second Peace Summit for several months. This plan should force the Russian Federation to end the war.

However, in his posts, Bohdan Krotevych claims that today's ceasefire under the peace plan will only mean that the war will be left to future generations.

«No peace without victory. One victory — not a single Russian soldier on the territory of Ukraine. We will not leave this war to our descendants, and you won't either, because if you try, it will be bad,» wrote Bohdan Krotevych.

Screenshots from Bohdan Krotevych's page on the X social network Screenshots from Bohdan Krotevych's page on the X social network
Screenshots from Bohdan Krotevych's page on the X social network Screenshots from Bohdan Krotevych's page on the X social network

In a thread under the post, he outlined his own vision for improving the situation at the front. Bohdan Krotevych suggests giving the Azov brigade more weapons and reducing the number of generals in the troops.

«It would be better if the brigade commanders were called to the pond, the «Azov» weapon was given to the west. Divisions would be created, combat brigades like Redis would be placed there (commander of «Azov» Denys Prokopenko, — note). The FOT (front-line operational-tactical groups, — note) would be disbanded and there would be fewer generals in the army — here's a plan for peace through victory,» added the military man.

In particular, it was after the recent statement of Bohdan Krotevych to the State Bureau of Investigation that it became known about the dismissal of the commander of the Combined Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Yurii Sodol. In response to this, the SBI stated that they would check Sodol's actions during his command of the defense of the Kharkiv direction.

It should be noted that the issue of preparation for the end of the war was raised at the Global Peace Summit held in Switzerland on June 17.

During the discussions, which were attended by more than 100 countries, Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on the representatives of the countries to draw up an «action plan» so that the end of the war could be recorded at the second meeting at the Peace Summit.

At the same time, the head of the President's Office, Andrii Yermak, also claimed that they could already invite representatives of Russia to the second summit, where «they will be presented with this [peace] plan — in case the one who is currently representing the aggressor country really wants to stop this war».

The second Peace Summit, as previously announced in the President's Office,should take place by the end of 2024.

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