• Friday

    27 September, 2024

  • 20.2°
    Mainly clear


  • 27 September , 2024 September

  • Mykolaiv • 20.2° Mainly clear

In the Mykolaiv Oblast, deputies of the village council refused to allocate money for sidewalks and dissolved the executive committee

Illustrative photo: Domaniv village council

Deputies of the Domanivka settlement council of Voznesensk district doubted the transparency of the decisions of the executive committee, which brought unapproved changes to the budget to the session, and then dissolved it altogether.

The deputy of the Voznesensk District Council, Vasyl Ivanchenko, who was present at the session, told about this in the comments of «NikVesti».

According to him, disagreements between the deputies and the head of the village council, Viktor Vlasyiuk, began at the stage of preparation of the decision on making changes to the budget. The document was considered at the permanent deputy commissions and brought to the session with changes. However, the head of the village council did not like the draft decision.

— There is one day left before the session and the head of the village council urgently convenes the executive committee, which decides to submit its draft budget to the session of the village council and to disagree with the opinion of two specialized commissions: budget and education», — said Vasyl Ivanchenko.

The issues that caused indignation among the deputies related to the allocation of funds for repairs, tiling and salary compensation. Thus, it was proposed to allocate 247,000 hryvnias to the «Uspih» Lyceum to pay for ongoing repairs. However, according to Vasyl Ivanchenko, the deputies recently allocated 600,000 hryvnias to this educational institution, but no one has seen the report on the expenditure of funds.

It was also proposed to allocate 100,000 hryvnias to comply with the order of the Mykolaiv Court of Appeal to compensate the cleaning lady who returned to work after being dismissed by the director of the «Uspih» Lyceum. Vasyl Ivanchenko adds that the woman has been fired and reinstated for the second time. Deputies have already allocated 40,000 for her salary.

In addition, the executive committee proposed to allocate 1 million 769 thousand hryvnias to the enterprise «Domanivka Multidisciplinary Hospital» for laying a sidewalk near the polyclinic department.

Vasyl Ivanchenko, a deputy of the Voznesensk district council, says that the executive committee began to make decisions «not according to their own views, but under the dictation of the head of the village council."

«This is not the first conflict between deputies and the chairman. Recently, the chairman has been trying to postpone the decision to the session without preliminary consideration by the deputies», — he adds.

The last straw was the fact that the draft decision did not provide for the allocation of funds for the Armed Forces.

The deputies of the village council decided to vote in favor of the draft decision, which was considered by the commissions, so the funds were not sent for the above expenses. In addition, it was proposed to dissolve 35 members of the executive committee. The decision was supported unanimously.

Within a two-week period, the head of the village council must submit a draft decision to the session with a new composition of the executive committee, but with a smaller number of members.

«There were only 23 deputies. This decision was voted unanimously and even the chairman of the village council voted... According to the chairman, an extraordinary session will be convened because it is the end of the year, the budget for the next year needs to be prepared and the executive committee needs to work. Whether he will sign this decision or not, today the deputies have doubts. However, he voted himself», — said Vasyl Ivanchenko.

We remind that the Domanivka Territorial Community of Mykolaiv Oblast is planning to switch to alternative types of fuel.

It was also reported that in the village of Domanivka, a local resident complained about the work of an agricultural enterprise, the territory of which is located behind the fence of her house. According to her, the workers are unloading grain crops, and all the dust and dirt are flying into her yard.

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