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    27 September, 2024

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  • 27 September , 2024 September

  • Mykolaiv • 17.1° Overcast

«The state pays for everything,» — the telemarathon announced that CT scans, stroke treatment, and thrombolysis in hospitals are free

The National Health Service of Ukraine asks people not to be manipulated by hospitals that have a contract with an insurer, if they demand money from the patient for conducting a number of basic tests and procedures in the treatment of a stroke.

Natalya Husak, head of the NHSU, told about this on the air of the telethon, NikVesti writes.

Regarding prevention at the primary level, patients can receive a consultation and a referral for basic tests from their family doctor.

— This also applies to blood tests, urine tests, measurement of blood pressure, blood sugar level and a number of other services, — Nataliia Husak said.

At the secondary level, thanks to the «Affordable Medicines» program, Ukrainians have the opportunity to get medicines for cardiovascular diseases, which prevent heart attacks and strokes, free of charge or with a small surcharge, in pharmacies that have a contract with the National Health Service. Medicines are issued exclusively by electronic prescription of a family doctor.

However, if a patient with a diagnosis of stroke is taken to a medical facility that has a contract with the National Health Service, the treatment is free of charge. This applies to computer tomography, thrombolytic therapy, rehabilitation and tests.

In case of demands to pay for the relevant services, patients have the opportunity to complain to the hotline of the National Health Service — 1677.

— If a person was brought to a hospital that has a contract with the NHSU, and there are 229 such institutions, among which there are also private ones, then the treatment is free, the state paid for it in full at market rates, and this is the gold standard. I strongly ask Ukrainians to know their rights, if they are violated, to call the hotline 1677 and leave a complaint, as to the purchaser of these services. All basic studies are included in this tariff: CT scan, use of thrombolytic therapy, and analyses, and treatment, and rehabilitation in the acute period. «Unfortunately, Ukrainians do not know, do not possess this information and often fall under manipulations,» — says the head of the NHSU.

The state pays 100,000 hryvnias for one stroke patient who needs treatment with thrombolysis, and 63,000 hryvnias for thrombolysis.

— If we are talking about a stroke with the use of thrombolytic therapy, and mostly 15% need this kind of treatment, then it is 63 thousand hryvnias. If we are talking about the form that does not require this, then it is 14 thousand hryvnias, and the treatment of a stroke with the use of thrombus extraction is more than 100 thousand hryvnias. The rates are actually contracted by a private institution in Odesa, which also provides free treatment. Therefore, if there is enough for a private institution to cover expenses, then they should be fully enough for communal institutions, — she added.

As you know, in Mykolaiv, not all hospitals can accept patients with strokes, but only four, which have the appropriate packages of NSJU, these are city hospitals №1, №4 and №5, as well as an emergency medical care hospital.

We will also remind that as of September 2023, the number of appeals from citizens with strokes is increasing in Mykolaiv. Last year, 1,690 applications were registered, and 1,353 people have already applied in 8 months of this year.

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